So it is – So it is

So it is – So it is
by David Wilder
April 5, 2019

There’s too much going on not to comment.

The election of Donald Trump ushered in a new age. But little did we know, that November morning, the breadth of the era. Each additional event seems to be somewhat of a miracle all by itself. And altogether? It’s difficult to comprehend.

First, the very fact that the Hillary/Obama machine was overturned, was ended. Then recognition of Jerusalem, and the visit to the Kotel, the western wall. Then moving the embassy, then dumping the Iranian deal, and now the Golan.

Watching Trump’s speech and signature recognizing Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan, I could not but rub my eyes. On one stage: Netanyahu, Trump, Pence, Pompeo, John Bolton; just totally unreal. But no, it is real. The only phrase I could come up with, that kept flashing was: Yimot HaMashiach – the days of the Messiah.

But there’s more.

Back on November 29, 1947, one of the greatest and grandest miracles, certainly of the last thousand years, and maybe more, happened when the fledgling UN voted to recognize the ‘partition plan’ allowing, in May, 1948, the declaration of the State of Israel.

Again, one the most unusual or incomprehensible occurrences there was the vote in favor by Stalin’s Russia. Stalin, the genocidal dictator, doing something positive, something good, for the Jews? Yet it  happened.

But the Iron curtain closed, until finally ‘let my people go’ of the 20th century allowed a million Jews to immigrate to Israel. Who could ask for more?!

Yet, again, this week, we are witness to another one of those inexplicable events which casts a giant light on the era in which we live.

A former KBG thug, turned into the leader of Russia, whose actions speak much louder than his words, many of those deeds not necessarily overly appetizing, becomes a personal friend of the Jewish, right-wing leader of Israel, Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu.

These two speak relatively frequently, and whenever Bibi want to visit, Putin is there to shake his hand, and conduct the necessary conversations.  In and of itself, this is extraordinary.

But a few days ago we were treated to another one of Putin’s surprises. When it became apparent that Russia had played an essential and significant role in finding Zacharia Baumel’s remains in Syrai and bringing them back to Israel.

The scene, by which Netanyahu, in Russia, standing in front of an Israeli-flagged coffin, containing remains of some of  Baumel’s equipment, in an official ceremony at the Russian Defense ministry, is something more than words will ever be able to express.

And without claiming to a prophet, my guess is that we haven’t seen the last of the wonders. My hunch is pointing to this coming Sunday or Monday. Who knows? Maybe….maybe…

Without really wanting to be redundant…the days of the Mashiach. – the days of the Messiah.

So then, of course, the big question jumps up to bite us. If so, why must we witness such tense, volatile, and almost surreal ‘politics’ in present day Israel? How is it that after 70 years, perhaps the greatest threat to Israel is none other than ourselves; that is, Jews, Israelis, who still follow the path of the spies in the desert, those who are willing to forgo areas of Eretz Yisrael, who construct the very demolishment of our land, of our state? It really doesn’t make sense.

I’m not the person to give definitive, conclusive responses to these questions. But I can point out a couple of thoughts on these issues.

First of all, the times of redemption are not ‘normal,’ and as such the happenings of the age also, are not necessarily ‘normal,’ at least, not as we define the word.  What seems to be upside down may actually be right-side up. We just don’t see it as it is.

However, more importantly, and much more profound:

Within the depths of Judaism is a relatively simple, yet Divine law. And that is that nothing happens from above before something happens down here in our world.

In other words, if we want, or expect, G-d’s interference in our favor, we must initiate the process. Sometimes it can simply be prayer, from the innermost chambers of our hearts. Sometimes it must be not only words, but actions. And not a few times it may demand sacrifice.

It is incumbent on us to strike the match. If you don’t strike it, the match won’t ignite. It’s clear, to anyone with eyes in his head and a brain, that we are being granted unimaginable gifts. So, first, we have to say thank you. And then, we must initiate the processes that will lead to continued ignition.

For example, if Donald Trump can recognize Israeli’s position on the Golan, cannot Israel ‘recognize’ the Israeli people’s rights to, say, Hebron, i.e. all of Judea and Samaria? Maybe what G-d is saying to us is: ‘Here, I gave you this, now do your part. As you do your part, I’ll continue to do mine.’

And as such, being that we have free choice, we can decide – we have to decide, what it is we really want.

As far as I’m concerned, the answer, the choice, is clear.

So it is during the Yimot HaMashiach – the days of the Messiah.